![]() Estrella and the West Valley look much different than when my family moved here more than 10 years ago. I've been fortunate enough to learn a lot about the area's humble beginnings and understand what's being done now to prepare for future growth. In all the hurry and distraction of the holiday, we pause to point out a few of the many things we have to be grateful for here... and to say, "THANK YOU." 10. A HOME FOR VETERANS This past summer, Goodyear, Arizona was ranked one of the top cities in the United States for veterans by NerdWallet.com, "Veterans in Goodyear have an unemployment rate of 1.5%, the lowest on our top 10 list." Our city leaders, community colleges, and local non profits continually find ways to support those who protect our freedoms. We thank all those who sacrifice - and their families - for serving our country. 9. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS This year, Estrella saw new social events at the Starpointe Residents Club - such as "Pickin' on the Patio" - and a fabulous Happy Hour introduced at the Golf Club of Estrella. (The Ice Cream Social and karaoke were a huge hit, too.) These ideas were brought about by caring residents who were willing to go the extra mile to encourage more activities in Estrella. To all of those who step up to "Be the Solution" in our community, "thank you." (My personal "thanks" to resident HOA board members and volunteers who work so hard and take so much heat. You do an incredible job. Thank you.) 8. GOODYEAR CITY COUNCIL We're not Glendale. By that, I mean we're very fortunate to have city council members who can work together to find nonpartisan solutions for our city. They may disagree at times... but they move on and continue to work together. By the way, Mayor Georgia Lord is one of the most motivating people I've ever met. You may not realize it, but we're incredibly lucky to have her serving our city. The woman works dawn to dusk... with a motivated attitude to grow our city. (This also is a good place to mention our City Water Resources Manager, Mark Holmes. With a few national awards under his leadership, our water is improving and our future residents have him to thank.) 7. YOUTH SPORTS Full disclosure, I manage the social media for Estrella Youth Sports. That said, I think we're pretty fortunate having a nonprofit in our community which is able to provide a wide variety of "active activities" to children in our community. Estrella Youth Sports brings out involved, volunteering parents who serve as coaches, caring businesses who donate to help the organization grow, and children who are motivated to give it their all on the field and court. Estrella also is home to the Junior Wolves football team and, of course, many of our kids participate in Goodyear Rec programs. 6. PICKLEBALL I don't play pickleball. And, quite frankly, I don't think anyone would ever pick me to be their playing partner. But, Jo does play. And I can tell she loves it. One player recently told me the game is "addictive." The Estrella Mountain Pickleball Club appears to be a fun group of movers and shakers who've brought this rapidly growing sport to Estrella... and represent Estrella well at local competitions. The sport started in 1965 and is played with a paddle and plastic ball. 5. LOCAL SCHOOLS Not many Arizona communities have it as good as we do in the West Valley. Even though the recent Liberty Elementary School District override failed this election season, we DO have many caring teachers and parent volunteers who are able to keep our schools running smoothly. From PTO's, community volunteer programs, and tax credits, we all have several ways to "be a part of the solution" moving forward. 4. GOODYEAR POLICE AND FIRE Not only does Goodyear have a low crime rate, we're fortunate to have truly caring people serve in our police and fire departments. These folks don't make a lot of money, but you wouldn't know it by the good deeds they do in our communities. Remember, a lot of these folks will be keeping us safe while we're home eating lots of turkey and dressing with our families and friends. 3. MOTHER NATURE It's a tie between sunrises, sunsets, and sunny days. Growing up the mid-west is reason enough to call Arizona "home." Gorgeous winter weather combined with the random rain storm is a unique combination which I'll always cherish. As the saying goes, "You can't shovel the sunshine." 2. CHARITY SPONSORS When Jo and I started this page, we took lots of criticism. Lots. One resident accused us of starting the page to raise money for our own endeavors. That was never the case and the criticism motivated us to start up the Estrella Mountain Residents charity program. In our first year - actually, since May - our membership raised over $2000 to give back to local nonprofits and a deserving family. That's pretty incredible. We're humbled. 1. NEIGHBORS WHO STEP UP Sometimes you just need a lending hand. Estrella has no shortage of caring residents who step up to help each other out. Whether it be giving a left over finger print card to someone who needs one, a fundraiser for a family in need, or taking care of a lost pet till its owner is found, Estrella truly is a great community of people. ~WE WISH YOU ALL A HEALTHY AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING~ Admins,
Jo and Jen ![]() Odds are you've heard "AzMERIT". It's the controversial Arizona Statewide Achievement Assessment of English Language Arts and Mathematics. This new test replaces AIMS and it's intentionally harder. AzMERIT measures students' ability to master the 2010 Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. "The standards are designed to ensure that our students remain competitive in the global market of the 21st century," Arizona Department of Education. Students in 3rd - 8th grades and high school in Estrella first took the AzMERIT test last spring. Results are just now being delivered. In August, unofficial results showed disappointment with just 41% of 3rd graders testing proficient and higher. Test scores are embargoed till the end of this month. Then, the scores will be released to the public and posted on the state's website here. We will report back when we have this information. Unlike previous years, our schools will not receive letter grades this school year. SB1289 prohibits A - F Letter Grades for school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. SB1289 requires the Department to continue to identify schools with “below average levels of performance” or schools which were formerly “D” schools under the A-F Letter Grade System. CONNECT TO Azmerit Liberty Elementary School District AzMERIT information here. AzMERIT Portal here. Arizona Department of Education AzMERIT link on the WEB 2010 Arizona College and Career Ready Standards on the WEB School report cards from previous AIMS testing on the WEB SPRING 2016 TESTING Spring 2016 AzMERIT Grades 3-8/EOC
Computer-Based Test Window March 28 – May 6, 2016 *Writing must be completed by April 15, 2016
VOLUNTEER IN ESTRELLA ESTRELLA MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Estrella Mountain Elementary School has a Cougar Community Volunteer program. Anyone from the community is welcome to help out. The school also has the Watch D.O.G.S. program encouraging fathers to get involved. WESTAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Westar Elementary has an active PTO program. You can find them on Facebook here. You also can request to be on their email blast here. ESTRELLA FOOTHILLS HIGH SCHOOL As I don't have a child at the high school yet, I'm not sure what all is available a the high school. However, this is the link to contact the school to ask.
ESTRELLA FOOTHILLS BIKE PARK The award-winning bike park in Estrella is in constant need of volunteers. Visit their Facebook page here. ESTRELLA MOUNTAIN CHURCH AND PRESCHOOL Here is the contact link to call to see if they are in need of help with various programs throughout the year. Through HeartBeat of Estrella, the church also has a program called Operation Christmas Child. A wrapping party will be held November 13th at the Starpointe Residents Club. VOLUNTEER IN GOODYEAR CITY OF GOODYEAR
Volunteer Opportunities with the City of Goodyear include: (click here to see all)
Apply online to volunteer with the city here. CITY OF GOODYEAR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS City of Goodyear residents are invited to participate in the process of City of Goodyear government. One of the most effective ways to participate is through service on one of the City’s citizen boards, commissions, or committees. Through these services, civic minded citizens become involved in their local government and make recommendations to the Goodyear City Council. As a result, the City benefits from the vast knowledge, experience and expertise of its citizens. Board and commission member positions are all voluntary and are appointed by the City Council. Once appointed the time commitment for each board/commission varies, some meet on a regular schedule, others on an as needed basis. Preparation for some meetings may require additional time obligations. Once committed, your attendance at all regularly scheduled meetings is critical. Click here to see which openings are available. NONPROFITS IN NEED The West Valley has numerous nonprofit organizations that can use help. Here's a link to a few that we know about. STATE OF ARIZONA Here is a link to Boards and Commissions in the State of Arizona. GET ON THE PERMANENT EARLY VOTING LIST
ESTRELLA MOUNTAIN RESIDENTS CHARITY PROGRAM If you're looking to help those in need within our own community, please check out our charity program here. An ad for your company or cause is just $20 a month and you'll be invited to group photos with each donation. A great way to exposure for your company and to give back at the same time!
Jennifer Barber is a Goodyear resident resident of almost 20 years and a retired broadcast news journalist. Involved in various nonprofit and city organizations since 2008, Barber has a unique view of what's happening in the West Valley of Arizona. Archives
March 2022