July 10, 2016
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece including our limited resources of being able to find all the information available to us.
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece including our limited resources of being able to find all the information available to us.
Last fall, I chose to start watching council meetings to report on my blog and share with local residents. We lost local media coverage due to the economy. I want to know what is happening in our community. So, if I'm going to watch these meetings, I might as well let my neighbors understand what's happening in our community, too.
On Monday night, Goodyear City Council will have the option to vote on approving the Final Plat for CantaMia Pod 5. This area subdivides 43.88 acres of CantaMia Phase 2, Tract 3 into 159 single family lots and 26 tracts.
We are particularly interested in what happens during this meeting as a result of our reporting since December of 2015.
The Goodyear fire chief has expressed council consider triggers for a new fire station in the Estrella community. Currently, Estrella has one fire station, Fire Station 182, located on the parkway near Estrella Mountain Church.
A new fire station, Fire Station 186, is slated to be built on Willis Road just east of the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility. This station would be located south of the Ray Road Alignment.
What's that? And what's there now? Parts of Montecito and all of CantaMia are in the area known as SOUTH OF THE RAY ROAD ALIGNMENT. The "Ray Road Alignment" is essentially Calistoga Road which turns into the Montecito community. |
Fire Station 182 is located near Estrella Mountain Church
As of November 2015, 647 homes had been built south of the Ray Road alignment. It's anticipated the land south of the Ray Road alignment will have 4,000 rooftops.
The trigger for building a new fire station was defined in a development agreement as being 500 rooftops south of the Ray Road Alignment. "... representatives of Newland Communities and City Staff have been negotiating a Development and Fire Services Agreement to satisfy the zoning stipulation requiring a second fire station in Estrella Mountain Ranch with the 501st building permit south of Ray Road."
**After we approached council about this agreement, Goodyear's city manager, Brian Dalke, reports it has started talking with Bill Olsen at Newland Communities again about updating the agreement to include AV Homes which took over CantaMia development after the bankruptcy of the previous developer.
The design of Estrella's second fire station, however, was conducted many years ago.
The design of Estrella's second fire station, however, was conducted many years ago.
On July 9, 2007 - when times were good, before the downturn of the economy - Goodyear City Council approved this Consent Agenda item awarding Perlman Architects of Arizona, Inc. the professional services agreement to design our future fire station, Station 186.
Coincidentally, the council also approved an agreement with another company to design portions of the community park which was supposed to be adjacent to Estrella Foothills High School... on the same night. Again, times were good.
We started sifting through Goodyear City Council meeting minutes for history on CantaMia. The first document we could find was from February 8, 2010. At this meeting, Goodyear's council approved a street name change of W. CantaMia Parkway.
On February 22nd, Vice Mayor Georgia Lord reported she attended the opening of CantaMia with then mayor James Cavanaugh and Estrella's resident city council member Dr. Frank Cavalier. “In there, in their model homes, they did have a single family attached home. I encourage people to go to the model homes, and walk around, and see what these single family attached homes look like,” said Lord.
On February 22nd, Vice Mayor Georgia Lord reported she attended the opening of CantaMia with then mayor James Cavanaugh and Estrella's resident city council member Dr. Frank Cavalier. “In there, in their model homes, they did have a single family attached home. I encourage people to go to the model homes, and walk around, and see what these single family attached homes look like,” said Lord.
Progress, from what we could tell, picked up in 2014.
On December 15, 2014, Council voted 6-1 in favor of approving a preliminary plat for CantaMia Phase 2 and 3 to consist of 1,073 single family residential lots in 326.79 acres and 168 tracts.
The Staff Report stated, "The Developer shall provide for an emergency entry system at the front gate and submit an automatic gate access device plan to the Fire and Police Departments for review and approval prior to the construction of such element. The device shall be installed per the prevailing Engineering Design Standards with a key pad coded backup..." and, "The development is served by Fire Station No.182 located near Estrella Parkway and Santa Maria Drive, approximately three miles to the nearest point of Village X - CantaMia. As shown in the graphic below, the staff report states, "A Fire Station is planned on Willis Road, east of the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility and will be developed when the recently adopted level of service criteria are met.”
On December 15, 2014, Council voted 6-1 in favor of approving a preliminary plat for CantaMia Phase 2 and 3 to consist of 1,073 single family residential lots in 326.79 acres and 168 tracts.
The Staff Report stated, "The Developer shall provide for an emergency entry system at the front gate and submit an automatic gate access device plan to the Fire and Police Departments for review and approval prior to the construction of such element. The device shall be installed per the prevailing Engineering Design Standards with a key pad coded backup..." and, "The development is served by Fire Station No.182 located near Estrella Parkway and Santa Maria Drive, approximately three miles to the nearest point of Village X - CantaMia. As shown in the graphic below, the staff report states, "A Fire Station is planned on Willis Road, east of the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility and will be developed when the recently adopted level of service criteria are met.”
...when the recently adopted level of service criteria are met.”
From what we can tell, and we're NOT experts, that trigger for building a new fire station should have been with the 501st building permit south of the Ray Road Alignment according to the developer agreement and what was stated at this December 2014 meeting.
The only voice of concern and lone no vote came from Councilmember Osborne who expressed concern over the wildlife corridor and lakes.
The only voice of concern and lone no vote came from Councilmember Osborne who expressed concern over the wildlife corridor and lakes.
November 9, 2015 council met to vote on a Master Plat for CantaMia Phases 2 and 3. It included 169 single family lots and 33 tracts over 48 acres.
After watching the meeting, we've become more concerned about why council chose to vote to move this forward.
After watching the meeting, we've become more concerned about why council chose to vote to move this forward.
At this meeting, Planner Alex Lestinsky told council the area had 6-8 minute response times. “Response time from Fire Station 182 is which is up north in Estrella Mountain Ranch is about 3.8 miles and a 6-8 minute response time.” Staff report also reports this and states, “A fire station is planned on Willis Road, east of Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility.”
The problem. The response time facts stated in the meeting are not factual.
Councilmember Stipp questioned fire station triggers for Estrella triggering an interesting discussion.
The problem. The response time facts stated in the meeting are not factual.
Councilmember Stipp questioned fire station triggers for Estrella triggering an interesting discussion.
If I remember correctly, the development agreement for that area... there was a trigger put in that for the construction of the fire station. But, I think we’re gonna exceed the rooftops. So can somebody bridge that gap for me?” ~Bill Stipp/Councilmember
To understand what happened next, you must watch the above video. Everyone seemed to be fairly confused. Councilmember Stipp asked for rooftop numbers. No one could provide it. Mayor Lord asked for impact fee information. No one could provide it. And then, this.
The distance to the property from Station 182 is fairly long and access to this particular development, if you just look at the street layout, this was the same response time problems that we had with PebbleCreek, to be honest with you, with the circular streets and there’s only a couple of limited access points on the way in,” notes Councilmember Stipp. |
Fire Chief Paul Luizzi steps in. He tells council the fire department is seeing increased call volume from the area south of the Ray Road Alignment. He says within the past year from the date of this meeting, his department started tracking response times to homes south of the Ray Road Alignment.
We also ran the average response time for that area. It’s about 8:49 right now,” corrects Chief Luizzi.
Chief Luizzi corrects the information given directly to council during the meeting and in the staff report. Councilmember Stipp requests to be refreshed on the triggers for building a new station. Then Councilmember Wally Campbell shows confusion, as well. Campbell is under the impression 300 homes are in the area and isn't sure of where the Ray Road Alignment is... Stipp mentioned the development agreement doesn't just cover CantaMia. It actually includes portions of Montecito.
In fact, Campbell referred to CantaMia being near the alignment known as "Pecos." The city attorney was able to interject and came up with "Ray Road Alignment."
Councilmember Pizzillo expressed concerns about development fees.
And Vice Mayor Lauritano - an Estrella resident - expressed desire for numbers of rooftops in this community. She mentions her approval for more rooftops as development and growth would translate into more amenities for the residents of Estrella... such as restaurants. To which the mayor responds and asks council to "be patient."
In fact, Campbell referred to CantaMia being near the alignment known as "Pecos." The city attorney was able to interject and came up with "Ray Road Alignment."
Councilmember Pizzillo expressed concerns about development fees.
And Vice Mayor Lauritano - an Estrella resident - expressed desire for numbers of rooftops in this community. She mentions her approval for more rooftops as development and growth would translate into more amenities for the residents of Estrella... such as restaurants. To which the mayor responds and asks council to "be patient."
I can understand your concern. I understand the concern of a fire department. And so we need to watch those triggers. We need to be realistic to the people. OK? Look how long it took to get the shopping center where you are,” pointing to Vice Mayor Lauritano. “It doesn’t happen overnight and we only have so much control over that. It’s controlled by the developer,” says Mayor Georgia Lord.
That may be somewhat true. But, the vote to approve more rooftops is controlled by this council's vote.
I’m glad to see the houses up there. I’d like to know how much is up there as that is going to draw more development up there. More houses,” Vice Mayor Lauritano.
City Manager Brian Dalke tells council he will look into triggers for fire stations and potential funding opportunities. We reported on those subsequent meetings here.
DESPITE THE CONFUSION AND NO ANSWERS, THE VOTE WENT FORWARD. Council voted UNANIMOUSLY to approve more homes south of the Ray Road Alignment without knowing the answers to their questions about fire station triggers.
Mayor Lord and Councilmembers Lauritano, Osborne, Pizzillo, Campbell, Stipp, and Hohman
Mayor Lord and Councilmembers Lauritano, Osborne, Pizzillo, Campbell, Stipp, and Hohman
No one thought to stop and postpone the vote?
The room included a city attorney, city manager, experienced mayor, resident vice mayor, involved councilmbers, fire chief, and city planners.
And no one thought to stop. Or, at least, no one offered to postpone the vote.
Meetings are very formal, as they should be. But, people should feel they have the ability to speak up.
The room included a city attorney, city manager, experienced mayor, resident vice mayor, involved councilmbers, fire chief, and city planners.
And no one thought to stop. Or, at least, no one offered to postpone the vote.
Meetings are very formal, as they should be. But, people should feel they have the ability to speak up.
Hindsight is always twenty-twenty." ~Billy Wilder
I know it's easy to be the outsider and criticize. I'm simply trying to find out how this all happened.
When your city's fire chief tells your city council he can't get to homes under 8 minute response times... it's concerning to me. It's especially concerning to me when response times were set at 4 minutes as recent as 2007.
And when you see your neighbor's livelihood go up in flames on Easter morning, it drives home the concern.
It's not too late for our leaders to stop and think about this.
When your city's fire chief tells your city council he can't get to homes under 8 minute response times... it's concerning to me. It's especially concerning to me when response times were set at 4 minutes as recent as 2007.
And when you see your neighbor's livelihood go up in flames on Easter morning, it drives home the concern.
It's not too late for our leaders to stop and think about this.
Is history repeating itself? On January 8, 2007, residents went to council to voice concerns about building the Goodyear Ballpark prior to increasing fire and police services.
Before money is spent on a baseball stadium we should look at money to improve the quality of life for the citizens. The density is getting out of control. We don’t have enough fire and police and can’t pay for them. All these things need to be considered very seriously. This is very important to the citizens of Goodyear and the quality of life," Diane Burnett, 2007.
1. Thank goodness for Councilmember Bill Stipp. He has a fire background and understands the history of fire services and development in the community. As reported in previous blogs, Stipp has been the voice of reason concerning this issue.
2. Where's the media? I'm glad to see KJZZ's Matt Casey inquiries and coverage. He reports, "Goodyear has set aside land for three fire stations, but it doesn’t have money budgeted for a new one until fiscal year 2022." 3. If council votes to approve more rooftops south of the Ray Road Alignment - in CantaMia - on Monday night, I believe we the people deserve an explanation as to why. Why are rooftops being added when two of the three triggers - rooftops and response times - for a new fire station are exceeded or are quite close to being exceeded? Who's looking out for Goodyear's future residents? |
The CantaMia vote is scheduled in the Consent Agenda for Monday night's regular council meeting at 6pm. Should happen fairly quickly at the beginning of the meeting. The agenda was posted on the city's website at the end of last week... but is now not available for viewing on the city's site. Neither is the agenda for the Special Meeting. (I'm not implying anything sinister. I truly think this is an unfortunate, technical glitch.)
Prior to the regular meeting agenda not being viewable on the city's website, we did capture this from the staff report for tomorrow's meeting...
Prior to the regular meeting agenda not being viewable on the city's website, we did capture this from the staff report for tomorrow's meeting...
**Will the staff report we see back on the city's website tomorrow - hopefully in the morning - include the same sentence as the December 2014 staff report? Will Monday's staff report also state, "A Fire Station is planned on Willis Road, east of the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility and will be developed when the recently adopted level of service criteria are met.”
So we gotta ask... how will council inform future residents the next fire station won't be funded till 2022 and that response times, 58% of the time to the area now, are more than 8 minutes?