Estrella Mountain Residents is happy to report an agreement is now in place to locate and build Estrella's much needed second fire station. This comes after more than a year of reporting on City work sessions and council meetings regarding demands for fire service in our community... and after a devastating house fire leaving one Estrella family homeless on Easter morning 2016. THE BACKSTORY IN A NUTSHELL The City of Goodyear, Newland, and then partner "Tousa" agreed to develop a second fire station in Estrella which was to be built and running by 2009. The economy tanked and the station was never built. It was to be constructed at Willis and Rainbow Valley Roads. The City of Goodyear actually still owns that land. In 2015, Fire Chief Luizzi addressed council about growing fire service demands throughout the City of Goodyear... and in Estrella. Over the next few months, he explained to council City triggers and thresholds which would cause the construction of an additional fire station in Estrella. I think it's important to remind our readers that when the Fire Chief was to present in January 2016, his presentation was interrupted so many times that he was unable to finish. We asked that the City give him the opportunity to address Council once again with a full report. He was given that opportunity and fully explained the triggers and thresholds criteria - a good read if you want to fully understand what's happening in Estrella. EASTER MORNING FIRE Tragically, an Estrella family found themselves the victims of a house fire on Easter morning. Their dog, Daisy, lost her life. The Estrella community pulled together raising over $20,000 in money and donations for the family. Estrella Mountain Residents studied the response times for the house fire and reported on what really happened here. And the results left us asking... "What can we afford? We hope it's not lives." ![]() At the Estrella house fire on March 27, 2016 - 9 minutes into the alarm - just 5 fire people were at the scene. Goodyear was first to respond at 8 minutes and 10 seconds. The national standard recommended 15 people weren’t on scene until 14 minutes and 58 seconds into the alarm. That’s 5 minutes and 58 seconds later than the NFPA 1710 standard. THE AGREEMENT In June 2016, we were tipped that the City's agreement with local developers had lapsed. Our sources told us the agreement was "allowed to expire" and that funding for a second fire station was not in place. Report here. At the June 27, 2016 meeting, City Manager Brian Dalke revealed he spoke with a Newland representative just that week. And talking to Bill Olsen this week, there has been an understanding that the bones of an agreement are in place. It can be argued some of those elements may or may not apply. The fact of the matter is one of the partners - if you will - back to the earlier agreement is no longer there. So CantaMia for example - is AV Homes - will be part of any discussions.” ~GOODYEAR CITY MANAGER BRIAN DALKE, JUNE 27, 2016 During all of this, City lawmakers continued to approve building permits in the Estrella community.
A RESIDENT PETITION In June, Estrella Mountain Residents started a petition. The residents of Estrella in Goodyear, Arizona respectfully request the City of Goodyear prioritize funding for Fire Station 186 sooner than the current timeline." ~iPETITIONS, JUNE 2016 Our goal was 250 signatures in a short time prior to a Goodyear City Council meeting. We surpassed 300 signatures and delivered it to Council. Residents chimed in.... The city manager along with the city council should save 65,000 dollars of our citizens tax dollars and allow the IAFF get the free study done and put that money to use for other more critical needs of the city. Please build Fire Station 186 city of Goodyear for the protection you want your tax paying citizens pay for. Amen! Overdue for 2nd fire station in Estrella. Safety for the residents of Esteella should come long before the proposed park. Let's roll!! We are definitely in need of another fire station in Estrella. The study has already been done, new homes are being started everyday. Please do not make someone lose their life or their home before we "git ur done"!!! Goodyear is constantly growing and if the trucks out there are on other calls when an emergency arises, the trucks in my area (Yuma and Sarival) would have to respond, leaving us unattended. TAXPAYER FUNDED STUDY
SEEING IS BELIEVING The taxpayer funded fire study reports the optimal location for a second Estrella fire station would not be at the current designation of Willis and Rainbow Valley Roads... but rather near Estrella Parkway and Willis Road. So, the 3 party agreement covers Capital Contributions, as well.
NOW WE WAIT The City of Goodyear must give a 180 day notice of intent to begin design with Capital Contributions. Because the action item was not on last night's meeting, the City was unable to give that notice. In fact, the City Attorney signaled it could be a couple more months before that action was taken... possibly around budget discussions. Members of the Council expressed desire to move up that timeline. Councilmember Stipp said, "June is too long to wait." It does appear the Council wants to get the construction of Estrella's second fire station going sooner rather than later. RESIDENTS ARE PART OF THE "TEAM" I was stunned to hear Council say, "Leadership made it happen." Council members patted themselves, staff, and developers on the back for making this agreement come together. However, it was Mayor Lord who acknowledged the citizens of this All-America City had an impact, as well. .. and also I want to compliment the citizens. They weighed in on this, made a little noise, told us how important it is, and that helps council make decisions, too. It’s a team effort and thank you very much." ~MAYOR GEORGIA LORD, January 23, 2017 THE VOTE A vote for a first Amendment to Development and Fire Service Agreement between the City of Goodyear, NNP III-Estrella Mountain Ranch, LLC and AV Homes of Arizona passed 7-0. In Attendance: Mayor Georgia Lord Vice Mayor Sheri Lauritano Councilmember Pizzillo Councilmember Campbell Councilmember Hohman Attending by Phone: Councilmember Stipp Councilmember Osborne Jen's Two Cents: This past year of reporting on this issue has been well worth the effort. I've learned a lot about the process... and I've learned a lot about the people who make the laws in our city. I stand behind all of my reporting despite public criticism and push back by two city leaders. Estrella needs a voice to make positive change. I'll continue to monitor fire service in Estrella as it's a moral obligation for our elected leaders to provide this basic service for us... and for generations to come. ~Jen Barber/Estrella Resident
col·lab·o·ra·tion /kəˌlabəˈrāSH(ə)n/ noun noun: collaboration; plural noun: collaborations 1. the action of working with someone to produce or create something. When I think of Easter Sunday, I imagine celebration. When I was little, the day started with an egg hunt, (or maybe it was just my personal quest for chocolate... without guilt). We always made a trip to church in our Sunday best. And the afternoon involved brunch with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.... You get the picture. 2016 most likely won't hold the same sentiments for a few families in the Estrella community. Or... just maybe... this year holds more. LOSS AND LOVE One Estrella woman lost her 14-year-old daughter in a rollover accident. She got the news at our local bagel shop. Another Estrella family lost everything they own in an early Easter morning house fire... including their beloved pet, Daisy. The number of tears shed in this community cannot be measured.... Nor can the acts of kindness. "WE JUST WANTED TO DO SOMETHING." Thousands of dollars have been donated. Gift cards have been collected. Countless donations of clothing, toiletries, and kitchen utensils have been dropped off. Offers for additional support continue to roll in. It's astonishing. When called upon... this community fills the need. Our local Safeway donated... so did our Walgreens. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.” –Helen Keller A friend contacted me to let me know the GoFundMe page had been promoted and reported it had more than 24,500 hits in less than 24 hours. Another family I know maxed out their daily ATM debit limit on Easter Sunday to deliver cash. And neighbors have set up meal trains for the next several weeks. HUMOR IN THE HEALING The A-M-A-Z-I-N-G people at Chase Bank contacted me yesterday offering to set up a fund for donations. The benefit of the account is that it will not charge fees on the donations. While I was sitting at Holly's desk, I was able to get the family on the phone with her. Right then and there, she was able to give them their account information and order bank cards. I don't know if I was just exhausted or overwhelmed. But, seeing this happen in person brought me to tears. It was one less thing the family had to do among a long list of "to dos" after their livelihood had been lost. As I left the bank... I told the branch manager I had no way of repaying this incredible act of kindness. She said to me, "We just wanted 'to do something.'" I've heard that comment so much in the last three days. No matter how big or how small. Many people just want to 'do something' to help. People have taken time from work to help. People have opened up their homes to take donations and house these people. (And... quite frankly... I think I've hit my max on cell phone calls in one year... Good thing for "limitless" minutes! Humor people. Humor.) Last night I met with my friend to help her gain access to funds. As we were trying to transfer the account... she had to come up with a password. What had been a very rough and draining couple of days suddenly turned into hilarity. I won't say much other than... this girl has a sense of humor! Hearing her laugh was priceless. More tears. PLEASE HELP My gift to our community is to be able to coordinate. It takes collaboration within the community to make an impact. Here are all the ways YOU can contribute. FUNDRAISER Estrella Mountain Church is taking funds for Robin. "You can bring a check to the church office, made out to "EMC" with her, Robin Godfrey's, name in the memo line. Or you can give online through our website, Click "Give" and then "Give Online." Put your amount on the Benevolence line, with 'Robin Godfrey' in the blank next to it. We will make sure she receives the money in a timely manner. Thank you for being a blessing!" ~Ann Knister DONATIONS LINK *If you can only donate to the Harmans through credit card, please go through the GoFundMe account. *Chase Bank can take money order, check, or a transfer from one Chase account into the Harman account. *Cash needs to go directly to the family. Drop off at 18544 W. San Carlos, Goodyear, Arizona 85338. YOGA IN THE PARK Lisa Bozeman has one more "Yoga in the Park" fundraiser on Friday, April 1st. Please meet at the park near the corner of 184th Drive and La Mirada Drive in Estrella just off San Gabriel West in the neighborhood of Mequite Ridge. Questions? 580-231-0278 SPECIAL PRAYER GATHERING Wednesday March 30, 2016 7pm Estrella Mountain Church Sanctuary Everyone is welcome! Jen's Note: From the bottom of my heart... Thank you. I'm completely humbled to see the generosity of this incredible community. These families will be able to get back on their feet quicker because of YOU. Collaboration is the key. You should all feel comfort in the kindness in our community.
Jennifer Barber is a Goodyear resident resident of almost 20 years and a retired broadcast news journalist. Involved in various nonprofit and city organizations since 2008, Barber has a unique view of what's happening in the West Valley of Arizona. Archives
March 2022